The English Language Institute offers a Writing Tutor for University of Chicago College Core students with ESL/EAL needs.
UChicago GRAD now offers a Writing Tutor for Graduate Students.
The ESL/EAL College Core Writing Tutor is affiliated with the Writing Program.
Tutoring Rules
NOTE: The Writing Tutor is not permitted to edit/proofread student work directly, but can identify issues or patterns of error. The tutor also may not review more than 10 pages of text (Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced) in a session.
The ESL/EAL College Core Writing Tutor can:
- Discuss the specifications of an upcoming writing assignment
- Assist in selecting the appropriate wording/phrasing
- Identify patterns of error in grammar and punctuation
- Provide tips on producing greater sentence variety
- Identify instances of ambiguity
- Comment on an essay’s organization and information flow
- Provide tips on including North American stylistic features to an essay
- Help evaluate and integrate sources or cited literature
- Discuss voice, formality, and tone of an essay
- Provide self-editing tips and direct students to helpful writing resources
Calendar of Tutoring Sessions (Winter 2024)
Meet our Autumn 2024 Tutors

Abigail Hill
Abigail comes from Tennessee and is now in Boston pursuing her PhD. She loves tutoring writing because she enjoys helping students understand and implement writing concepts and supporting them to be more confident in their writing ability.
She graduated from UChicago’s MAPSS program in August 2020 with a concentration in History. Her research focused on the ways in which early modern authors crafted narratives about supernatural occurrences in order to support the credibility of their claims.

Bingjie (bing-jyuh) is a BA/MA student in MAPSS from Taiwan. She is interested in learning across cultures in the past and present. She is bilingual in English and Mandarin and is learning French and Arabic. She is dedicated to helping students from international backgrounds find their voices through writing in an additional language, as she believes that the experience should be liberating rather than restricting. When she is away from academic thinking, you can find her either on bars or beam doing gymnastics or in the kitchen researching the best recipes from various parts of the world.
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